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OUR MISSION - With a recognition that each and everyone of us is called to holiness, we will  love, affirm, encourage, and challenge God's people to grow in Faith, Hope and Love, in very practical ways, through preaching, teaching, and sharing our gifts. With an emphasis on all that is good and positive in us and in God. (wow--now that we look back on that statement, we feel a bit intimidated!!)  


OUR PASSION - We love to share, from our experience, what we have come to know about God and his love for his people. How God has led us to new life, in both our successes and failures. Part of the passion is sharing this in open and honest ways. Hoping that through humor and emotion we give others the chance to share their experiences and we can all grow together and jofully move along the individual and communal journeys that God walks with us.


OUR DESIRE - We have no desire to make anyone conservative or liberal, traditional or progressive, red or blue, or anything else. Our one desire is to show the Light, the Love, and the Joy of God as best we can, and allow the personality God gave YOU to translate it into what the world needs.

© Mark 5:11 Ministries,  2022